
Publishing and Presenting

  McLuhan states "The Museum has become a storehouse of human values, a cultural blood blank"  I was extremely excited to take part in the art show because the last time I took part in an art show was the state art show and I lost in the final round. Honestly losing in the state art show in high school killed a little bit of confidence in high school . I really appreciated being able to put my art on display without the fear of it being compared to someone else's as if it was a competition . I also gained an appreciation for printing the images as well because it makes you consider how important resolution and photo quality is. Also, it is such a thrilling feeling to have a book published with your own artwork in it. The book is something I can always look back on and remember as the starting point. The book is a steppingstone for me, and I really look forward to publishing more books of my artwork. I someday hope to see some of my artwork in a museum and to be apart...

Where I'm Headed

  My original idea was to create a video expressing my artistic interest and where I want my art to go in the future , but after talking to some friends of mine, who are artists as well, they suggested that I start a website . My friends explained to me how imperative it is for every artist to have a website where their art can be on display 24/7 365. A website is like a never-ending art gallery for an artist. My website is also a representation of future projects I have and where I want my artwork to go moving forward. I was nerv ous at first about displaying my art on a we b site because I did not think it was up to pa r, but I remembered a quote from the McLuhan book that read “We have no art. We do everything as well as we can.” This quote stuck with me because it provides me with a sense of reassurance. My website will touch on the many mediums that I am trying to be involved in. These mediums include Videography/ Cinematography, Photography, Fashion & Design, an...

Music Soundscape

 Ominous Sound Ominous Sound   I find my music taste to be strict. I usually like what I like, and I am not open to most other genres, but when it comes to video game music, I find myself intrigued by it. McLuhan states that “The ear favors no particular ‘point of view’, which in hindsight I could not agree more. What I like the most about video game music is that it has a sound for everything. Whether you are casually strolling, on a side mission, or in combat, video games have a sound for everything. I believe that if I were to make music, I would want to have songs that are relatable to everyone. I would love to make music that people can relate to no matter where they are from or whatever background they come from. Everyone can relate to love, heartbreak, or that one night where you had entirely too much fun. This piece, however, is my own take on making video game music, and my inspiration came from some of the video games I have been playing lately.  

Somethings Happening

 Somethings Happening       McLuhan states that “Our official culture is striving to force the new media to do the work of the old,” and I could not agree more. I have always wanted my work to be relatable to those who create art today, and those who created art. I find myself constantly chasing the masterpiece whenever I am doing photography, but in this project, I felt like I was not in the position to make capture or make a masterpiece. I felt this way because I was sick during the process of taking photos, and I still had to train for the marines. I managed to take that frustration from being sick and still having to train and named some photos from that frustration. I learned a lot from this project in the end. Preparation is what separates the good artist from the great, although there is still beauty in spontaneity. 

Björklunden Horror Commercial

 Björklunden Horror Commercial It is not the location or the thought of being in the middle of nowhere that will make you nervous the first time. The name alone can cause the hairs on the back of your neck to stick up when you hear it for the first time. Björklunden. Going to school in a small town in Wisconsin is enough for a person from a big city. Björk was a new level of discomfort for me. You always arrive in Björk late in the evening when it is pitch black. Being surrounded by wilderness with nothing or no one remotely close to you for miles, Björk is right out of a horror movie. As I spent more time at Björk, I soon began to appreciate. After reading McLuhan’s theories on time and space I came to realization, not only about Björk but about all the places we inhabit or visit in a lifetime. The time that we have in any given space is limited, and many times we waste the time we have in those spaces. As time moves on, we find ourselves cherishing the memories we made with peopl...

My World

  I live by three words; Progress Not Perfection. These three words embody my art journey entirely. My art journey started when I was a first-year student in high school, and it consists of three mediums; music writing, photography, and fashion and design. I dabble a little in cinematography, but primarily in the other three mediums. My personal motto with art is, especially photography, to capture something today to create inspiration for tomorrow. A medium in art is merely a system used to translate a message. The message should not only transcend the medium, but it should transcend time as well. Art should portray a message that is not only significant today, but the message should be remarkable to anybody at any point in time.  The message I want to spread through my art is Live, Love, Laugh. I believe that to get through life one must be capable of loving and laughing. McLuhan states that “Our time presents a unique opportunity for learning by means of humour—a perce...