Publishing and Presenting

McLuhan states "The Museum has become a storehouse of human values, a cultural blood blank" I was extremely excited to take part in the art show because the last time I took part in an art show was the state art show and I lost in the final round. Honestly losing in the state art show in high school killed a little bit of confidence in high school . I really appreciated being able to put my art on display without the fear of it being compared to someone else's as if it was a competition . I also gained an appreciation for printing the images as well because it makes you consider how important resolution and photo quality is. Also, it is such a thrilling feeling to have a book published with your own artwork in it. The book is something I can always look back on and remember as the starting point. The book is a steppingstone for me, and I really look forward to publishing more books of my artwork. I someday hope to see some of my artwork in a museum and to be apart...